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All-on-4 Dental Implants – Are They a Good Option for Tooth Replacement?

All on 4® dental implants are for those who have lost most, if not all, of their teeth. In this article we look at what they are, who is a good candidate as well as their benefits.

All on 4 implants give you permanent tooth replacements to be attached to implants anchored in the jawbone. As you might guess from the name, only 4 implants are used. These four implants are kind of like the roots of real teeth and help keep the replacement teeth strong and still.

All on 4 implants are made of titanium. They are able to fuse with the jawbone and are intentionally placed at an angle for maximum contact with the bone. This allows the replacement teeth attached to these implants to remain strongly anchored. Placing All on 4 implants is a very reliable and successful surgery with a success rate of around 98%.

People who are currently wearing dentures (or will need to in the future) and usually the best candidates for All on 4 implants. It’s true that those in this situation can choose to do nothing, All-on-4 offers a lot of benefit (more on that below). Choosing to do nothing can be painful. It can also be embarrassing to walk around without any teeth. Not having any teeth can cause your jaw to deteriorate, causing an older-seeming facial structure.

Advantages of All-On-4 Dental Implants

All-on-4 is one of the most reliable, successful options for replacing teeth out there. And they offer many benefits you can’t get from wearing regular dentures.

All on 4 implants are permanent. They don’t require the use of adhesives/ And they can cleaned just like real teeth – brushing, flossing and regular dental cleanings.

They can also be a better option than traditional implants. This is because All-on-4 only requires four implants per arch. Other types of implants may require 6 or more. The All on 4 procedure also doesn’t require bone grafting. This can save time, discomfort and money for the patient.

And All on 4 implants can dramatically improve your appearance. The new teeth are very lifelike and they will also prevent your jawbone from wearing down which often happens when you have missing teeth. This helps your facial structure will look stronger, and makes you look younger!

One of the biggest benefits of this surgery is that it lets you get new teeth the same day. Yes, you will go home the same day the implants are placed with a full set of teeth!

For approximately 6 to 8 months after the All on 4 surgery, you’ll have temporary replacement teeth. This gives your mouth time to heal. Once the mouth heals, the implant dentist will remove the temporary teeth and give you your permanent set.

Another big benefit of All-on-4 is it’s one of the most cost-effective implant options available. One reason for this is that it does not require bone grafting. Also, since you only need 4 implants instead of 6 or more, you’ll see a nice cost savings.

It can also save a lot of money in the long run by improving your overall oral health. All on 4 implants can help prevent periodontal disease, which has been linked to countless other diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and diabetes. By getting implants, you can significantly lower your risk for these.

All-on-4 is one of the best options for people looking for long-term solutions to replace missing teeth. It offers a number of advantages over traditional implants and dentures when it comes to cost, comfort, and/or reliability. So if you’re looking to replace most or all of your teeth, check out All on 4 to see if it makes sense for you.