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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Is Invisalign A Good Choice For You?

There’s a reason that Invisalign© clear aligners have become such a popular choice for straightening teeth.

First, they’re pretty close to invisible. So it doesn’t have to be obvious that you’re wearing them like is the case with traditional metal braces. Also they’re removable. That makes it easy to pop them out of your mouth for meals, brushing your teeth or doing other things where it’s not convenient to have them in.

And, at the end of the day, they’re effective at making teeth straight. But they may not be the right choice for everyone. There are situations that Invisalign works really well for and others not so much.

Let’s look at this a little closer so you can better understand whether Invisalign would be a good fit for your situation.

How Crooked Are Your Teeth?

Invisalign isn’t the best option in all teeth straightening situations. If your teeth are way out of line and are severely crooked, you’re probably not a good candidate for Invisalign. That’s just not the kind of situation that Invisalign is good at fixing.

Invisalign is more suited for fixing more mild issues associated with crooked teeth. This includes mild cases of overcrowding, gapped teeth, overbite, underbite, and crossbite. If you have any of these issues and, again, they are relatively mild cases, then Invisalign may be a great option for you.

Your Age

Age is another factor to take into account when considering Invisalign. The basic thing to understand here is that Invisalign isn’t really made as a solution for children. While kids are still growing, their teeth are constantly changing. This constant changes makes it very difficult to create custom aligners that would do a good job of fixing their crooked teeth. So, for the younger set, Invisalign just doesn’t make sense.

For older teens and adults, though, that’s not an issues. Once the mouth has stopped growing, Invisalign aligners make much more sense and can be a great option.

Also, you are never too old to get Invisalign aligners. Seniors can use them to help keep their teeth straight as well.

Will You Use Invisalign?

One of the big benefits of Invisalign is that they are removable. However, than can also be a big drawback. Because in order for them to work and be effective, you actually have to keep them in your mouth. In fact, Invisalign recommends that you keep the aligners in your mouth around 22 hours each day.

So before you decide to go all in on Invisalign, you have to be sure that you are willing and able to wear them for 22 hours or so a day. If not, you might just end up throwing your money away because you’re not going the get the results you’re looking for.

Get an Online Smile Assessment

Invisalign offers people a Smile Assessment through their website. You can use this tool to help determine whether or not Invisalign makes sense for your situation.

Probably the best way, however, to make the determination is to find a local dentist or orthodontist who offers Invisalign. Set up and appointment with them and discuss your situation and whether Invisalign makes sense for you.