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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Veneers: How Long Do They Last?

Veneers are a great option for improving your smile. However, they are not a permanent solution like, say, dental implants.

So when it comes to veneers, one of the most common questions about then is how long do they last? Below we answer that question of how long veneers last and also take a look at what factors can have a big impact on how long veneers will actually last.

How Long Do Veneers Last?

Veneers are thin shells that are attached to teeth to cover up discolored, chipped and/or worn out teeth. They are made out a few different materials (more on that in a minute) which affect how long they last. But, on average, you can expect a veneer to last somewhere between 10 and 20 years. Some could possibly last longer than 20 years. But those are the outliers.

There are a number of factors that will have a big impact on how long your veneers will last for. We’re going to look at the main ones next.


As we mentioned a minute ago, veneers can be crafted out of a few different types of materials. The material a veneer is made of will have a big impact on how long the veneer lasts.

The most common material veneers are made out of is porcelain. It is a strong, durable material but all porcelain is not the same. There are two main varieties of porcelain veneers. Felspathic and pressed. Felspathic has been around for a long time but has pressed porcelain has become the go-to choice for many. And a key reason why is their durability. They are about 2x stronger than felspathic so tend to last a lot longer.

There are also veneers made out of composite resins. Composite veneers are cheaper than porcelain, however, they are not nearly as durable so won’t last as long.

Your Dentist/Dental Ceramist

The skill level of you dentist, as well as the dental ceramist who makes your veneers also has an impact on how long they last. Their experience and skill level will help them take all sorts of factors into consideration in order to give you the best, longest lasting veneers for your personal situation and budget.


You will also have a major impact on how long your veneers will last.

If you take good care of your veneers and mouth by brushing, flossing and going to the dentist on a regular basis, you’ll increase the length of time your veneers will last.

You can also help them last longer by avoiding foods and drinks that may stain your veneers (ie. coffee, red wine).

Another thing you can do to help your veneers last longer is to avoid bad habits like smoking and grinding your teeth that will have a negative impact on your veneers.