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The Top Options For Paying For Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments

Most cosmetic dentistry treatments are not cheap. The price tag for most of the common ones can be over $1000. And with high costs like this, the question of how to pay for these treatments is top of mind for many.

So what are the options for paying for these treatments? Glad you asked! We’ve put together a brief, easy to understand guide on the options below. Here they are:

Paying Out Of Pocket

This is the most obvious option (though it may not be the best one!). If you have the cash in your bank account, you could simply pay out of pocket for your cosmetic dentistry treatment(s). One trick to keep in mind here is that, if you are planning to pay up front, out of pocket, talk to your cosmetic dentist about it. They may be willing to discount their fee if you do this.

Also, if the treatment you’re getting involves multiple visits to the dentist’s office over a couple of month or more, you can see if they will set up a payment plan for you. That way you can pay off the bill a little bit at a time instead of with one lump sum.

Loan or Financing For Cosmetic Dentistry

If you don’t have a pile of cash laying around, then financing the procedure may be the way to go. There are insurance companies that specialize in  loans for healthcare procedures you can use for cosmetic dentistry. In fact, there are some companies that just offer financing for cosmetic dentistry treatments and procedures.

We’re not in the business of providing specific recommendations for financing of this kind. However, we can provide some advice on how to find them. Perhaps the most obvious is searching the web for “cosmetic dentistry loans”.

Also, you can ask your cosmetic dentist if they work with any companies that finance these types of procedures. Many will have relationships with finance companies you can talk to. Ask the dentist about their experience with these companies and how many of their patients have used them. Also, if possible, talk to some of those patients to find about about their experiences with these finance companies.

There are other financing options as well. For example, you can put the treatment on a credit card. Or you could take out an equity loan to cover the costs. We’re not saying these are good or ideal options, but if you’re looking for ways to pay for a cosmetic dentistry procedures, these are just some options to consider. When using financing, it’s important to do your research. Both of the company you plan to get financing from and also of your own financial situations to make sure taking out a loan for the procedures makes good financial sense.

Dental Insurance And Cosmetic Dentistry

This one can be a challenge. Many people don’t even have dental insurance so, if you’re in that group then, obviously, this isn’t even an option.

Even for those who do have dental insurance, you may be disappointed at the cosmetic coverage of your policy. That’s because many cosmetic dentistry treatments are not covered by insurance. This is because they are elective procedures and, generally, are not medically necessary. There are situations where you or your dentist may be able to make the claim that the treatment is medically necessary. For example, if the treatment is being used to restore a tooth’s structure and improve your oral health. In that cas, you may be able to get your dental insurance to cover part of the cost.

Now there are some specialty dental insurance plans that will cover cosmetic procedures. If you[re planning on having a lot of cosmetic work done, then it’s worth doing the research and trying to find a dental insurance plan that will cover the costs of cosmetic dentistry treatments. For more on dental insurance and cosmetic dentistry, see our article here.