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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

How Long Does It Take To Get Straight Teeth Using Invisalign®?

Millions of people have used Invisalign to get straight teeth. We’ve covered some of the most common questions asked about Invisalign here and here.

But one of the other most common questions we haven’t addressed about Invisalign yet is how long does it take to get results? Below we answer that question and you’ll find out the average amount of time people use Invisalign for. You’ll also learn some of the factors that can affect how long you’ll need to wear them for.

How Long Does Invisalign Take To Straighten Your Teeth?

If you’re just looking for a number, then here it is… it takes about 1 year, on average, for Invisalign to straighten your teeth and give you the smile you’re hoping for. That is from the time you start the treatment to when you finish wearing that last pair of aligners.

There are a few key things to understand about that 1 year average however. Because 1 year is just that – an average. So the amount of time it takes for your treatment may be longer or shorter than that.

The typical range of how long people wear Invisalign for runs from around 6 months on the low end to up to 24 months on the high end. Also, keep in mind, even after you’re done with your treatment, you may still be required to wear a retainer to make sure your teeth stay in alignment. So, arguably, the length of the treatment can go on indefinitely. However, once you’re at the stage of wearing a retainer, you will generally only have to wear them at night, not the 22 hours a day you are supposed to wear your Invisalign for. 

How Long Does It Take To Make Invisalign Aligners?

When it comes to Invisalign and time frames, this is another common question people ask. Or, put another way, once you’re ready to get Invisalign, how long does it take for the company to make them and get them to your dentist so you can start using them?

Once your dentist has images of your mouth and has a plan to straighten your teeth, it generally takes around 2 weeks for your Invisalign aligners to be sent to your dentist. Figure around 10 days at a minimum and it could take up to 1 month.