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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?

Updated Jan. 1, 2020

Dental implants are a good option for people who have lost teeth, providing a safe, often permanent solution to their tooth loss.

So, how much do dental implants cost? 

Average Dental Implant Cost Per Tooth:  $1,400 to $4,000+

Cost Range for a Full Set of Dental Implants: $16,000 up to $45,000+

Yes, we’re serious.

Dental Implant Cost Factors

  • The type of dental implant(s) inserted into your jawbone (there are different materials used to make implants).
  • The restoration or crown (tooth implant)
  • The abutment (part that’s implanted into your jaw bone that connects the tooth).
  • The procedure (insertion into your jawbone with anesthesia, recovery and follow ups).
  • The dentist (experience and whether or not they’re using newer technology).
  • Type of dentist office (a host of new discount implant centers are popping up offering cheaper services).

The factors above will determine where you fall in the cost scale. You can expect to be on the lower end with a low cost dental service center, at the higher end at a high end cosmetic dentists office.