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How Much Is Dental Insurance in the US?

Is dental insurance worth it? That’s kind of a loaded question as there are a number of factors that go into any kind of good answer. But in order to answer it you have to know exactly what dental insurance costs.

So how about it? How much does dental insurance cost these days?

As with any costs we provide on this site, the numbers below are averages. What you end up paying depends on your situation and other factors. So, with that in mind, let’s look at some average costs.

If you are able to get dental coverage through your employer or some other group policy, a dental insurance policy will cost anywhere from $225 – $450 per year.

For those that go the private route and get an individual policy, the average cost runs around $360 per year.

So that’s what you can expect to pay. But another important factor to consider is what you get in return. Different plans cover different things (and different amounts) but here is some general information about what a dental insurance plan will cover.

Most plans (so long as you go to a dentist that’s in the network) will cover basic cleanings, preventative treatments and diagnostics. This is the stuff you get if you go to your regular dental checkups… cleanings, fluoride treatments, X-rays, etc.

Dental insurance plans usually will also cover some of the unexpected issues that may come up with your teeth. This includes things like filling cavities, root canals or crowns needed to address tooth problems. Some of these treatments can cost $1000 or more. So having dental insurance that will pick up some (if not all) of the cost will be much appreciated by many!!

The Limits of Dental Insurance

Dental insurance plans don’t just cover everything and pay for all your costs. A lot of dental insurance policies have an annual cap on costs. This often will be somewhere between $1000 – $1500 a year. Once you hit that limit, you’ll have to pay the rest of your dental costs for that year out of pocket.

When it comes to any sort of cosmetic dentistry procedure, dental insurance probably is not going to cover the costs for you. This includes things like implants, veneers, teeth whitening and more. The treatments/procedures are done for looks, not for health. So most dental insurance policies won’t cover them.

That said, if you have a procedure that’s often considered a “cosmetic” one but have a good medical reason to do it, then you might have a chance of your dental insurance company picking up at least some of the cost.

To get a better idea of what dental insurance will cost you and your family, contact your employer or, if that’s not an option, contact an independent dental insurance provider for a quote.