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10 Issues With Invisalign

Invisalign© can be a great option to get straight teeth.

But Invsalign, like pretty much anything in life, has its good points and bad points. So before you jump on the Invisalign bandwagon, you’ll want to consider some of the drawbacks of them. Here are 10 common complaints patients have with wearing Invisalign…

Maintenance Required (A lot of it)

To keep your Invisalign aligners clean and in good shape takes a lot of maintenance. Mainly you’ll have to do a thorough job of cleaning your teeth (brushing and flossing) every time you eat. This can get to be a big hassle if you eat out a lot or like to snack a lot.


As is the case with traditional braces, when you first start wearing Invisalign (or when you start wearing a new set of aligners) there can be some discomfort, pressure and/or pain. This is from your teeth starting to move from the pressure the aligners put on them. Which is just part of what has to happen in order to get your teeth in the positions they need to be in. With Invisalign, some patients also say that the aligners themselves have caused them pain. This happens if there are sharp edges on the aligners that rub against the gum or mouth. There are a few relatively easy ways to fix this problem though. You can either go to your dentist and have them file the rough edges down or you can get wax to put over the sharp edges to keep them from digging into you.

Dry Mouth

Dry mouth is a somewhat common complaint that people who wear Invisalign have. The best remedy for this is drinking plenty of liquids.

It Can Affect Your Speech

This isn’t a huge issue for most, but Invisalign can cause some people to talk with a slight lisp when they’re wearing the aligners. If you do a lot of talking as part of your job, this is something to talk into consideration as a potential drawback.


This one is actually one of the main concerns that people have when wearing Invisalign. There are patients who say that kissing is uncomfortable and/or awkward when they wear their aligners. However, most of them say they get used to it fairly quickly. Since Invisalign is removable, it is possible to take them out if you and your significant other are planning to get frisky. Though, keep in mind, you are supposed to wear Invisalign for 20-22 hours a day.

Be Careful What You Drink

It’s recommended that when you’re wearing Invisalign aligners, you mostly stick to drinking cold water. Hot beverages like coffee or tea, sugary drinks and alcoholic drinks can ruin your aligners.


One of the big draws of Invisalign is that they’re clear and nearly invisible. However, often people wearing them will have to use attachments/buttons/elastics in order for the aligners to work well. And this things are not invisible. So this can result in neutralizing one of the biggest advantages of wearing Invisalign aligners.


It’s recommended that women who use Invisalign not wear lipstick. This is because the lipstick will probably smear on the aligners which will make them very noticeable.

The Treatment Never Ends

If you think that the Invisalign treatment lasts a year or two and then you’re done with them, that’s not the case. When you’ve finished the main treatment, you will still need to wear a retainer at night to keep your teeth straight and in the right positions.

Will You Stick To The Plan

Invisalign needs to be work between 20-22 hours each day in order to do their job and do it well. Do you have the discipline to do that every day? Invisalign is not cheap so, if you’re going to invest in it, then you need to make sure that you will be willing and able to stick to the plan.

Invisalign is a great option for many. The potential drawbacks above just need to be taken into account when you’re deciding whether or not Invisalign is the right fit for you and your situation.