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How Long Do The Results Of Teeth Whitening Last?

So you’re interested in teeth whitening. And you’re not alone! It’s estimated by 2024 that teeth whitening is going to be nearly a $7.4 BILLION industry.

There are a number of teeth whitening options out there. And some of the most common questions people have are about exactly what options are available and what the costs are. We’ve looked at the answers to those questions here and here.

Another common question folks have about teeth whitening is “how long does it last?” If you’re going to use a treatment to get whiter teeth, will it last you a day, a week, a month, a year?

Below we take a look a bunch of different teeth whitening options and how long you can expect the results to last, on average, for each.


It’s hard to buy a toothpaste these days that doesn’t talk about it’s teeth whitening benefits. Toothpastes that claim this usually add some sort of mild abrasive that can help remove stains from teeth. Some will actually include chemicals that helps them be more effective against stains than “regular” toothpaste.

There’s no real good data on how long the results from tooth whitening toothpastes last. Part of it depends on the specific brand/type of toothpaste you use. Part of it also depends on how long and how often you use the toothpaste. If you just use it occasionally, the results will be minimal and won’t last very long. However, if you use it on a regular basis, the results can last for as long as you use the toothpaste (assuming no big lifestyle changes take place).

Whitening strips

Whitening strips are easy to use whitening options you can easily get in the store or online. A lot of people like them because you can use them in the comfort of your own home anytime you want. And they do a good job of whitening teeth. That said, they don’t provide the longest lasting results. You can expect the results of teeth whitening strips to last between 4 and 6 months.

Trays and Gels

Trays and gels for teeth whitening are another effective option for getting whiter teeth in the comfort of your own home. They just tend to take a bit longer to work than whitening strips. It mostly depends on the level of peroxide contained in the specific product you use. In any case, after you get the results you’re looking for, you can figure on them lasting around 4 or 5 months.

The latest “new and improved” teeth whitening products

Since teeth whitening is such a big trend, it’s not surprising that there are so many new products coming out on the market promising to make your teeth whiter. There’s teeth whitening mouthwashes, chewing gum and even dental floss! How long do the results of these last? Well, they’re so new that we don’t even know how well they actually work, let alone know about how long the results will last. So feel free to try them and do your own experimenting!

Professional In-office Bleaching By a Dentist

It costs more, but getting teeth whitening done by a dentist will likely produce the best results – and fastest – results for those interested in getting whiter teeth. The results from a professional teeth whitening treatment from a dentist also lasts the longest of any option out there. You can expect the results from your dentist’s teeth whitening treatment to last as long as 2 or 3 years.