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How Much Do Dentures Cost in the US?

One of the more popular options to replace missing teeth are dentures. Dentures are basically fake teeth designed to take the place of any teeth that fall out and look like real teeth.

When most people think of dentures, they think of them being removable options that you can take out if you want. However, there are now permanent dentures available. So what do these different options cost?  Expect to pay anywhere from $300 to $5,000.

Below we’re going to look at the cost of dentures as well as what factors affect the costs.

Permanent Dentures

Permanent dentures are good options when you have severe decay and/or gum disease. The cost of permanent dentures can range anywhere from $300 on the low end to $5,000 on the high end for a single plate (a single plate are a set of dentures that go on either the top OR bottom of the mouth). For those who need upper and lower dentures, the cost for permanent dentures will double.

What determines whether you’ll end up paying closer to $300 or $5,000 per plate? Well, the material used to make the dentures for one. The number of teeth you’re missing for another. Other factors include the condition of your mouth, where in the US you live and the dentist you use to get your dentures.

Temporary Dentures

Sometimes your dentist may recommend temporary dentures. They may be used in the short term while you’re waiting for permanent dentures. Temporary dentures typically cost anywhere from $800 on the low end to $1500 on the high end. Again, that cost is per plate.

A Word About Quality

Dentures can be made out of different types of materials. And the materials used will have a significant impact on what you pay for your dentures. As you would expect, the better the quality of the material, the higher the cost. Dentures made with higher quality materials usually will higher levels of maintenance service as well as a longer warranty. Dentures made with better quality materials will look more like natural teeth and be more durable so may very well be worth the additional cost.

Dentures made with cheaper materials have some definite drawbacks. There are more likely to crack or break. They are usually not as comfortable as those made with better materials. And they won’t look as good as higher quality dentures.

Additional Costs

The costs above may not be the entire story of what dentures end up costing you. In some cases, a tooth extraction may be required before you are eligible to get dentures.

Every situation is unique. So the only way to know exactly how much dentures will cost you is to talk to your dentist. Once they are familiar with your situation, they’ll be able to give you a much more accurate idea of what dentures will cost you.