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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

What Are Dentures Made Out Of?

Maybe you know what dentures are. Maybe you even know a bit about them like what they cost, how they differ from implants, and other basic info about them.

But do you know what dentures are made out of? And, more importantly, how the different materials they’re made out of impact their performance, price, etc.? If not, keep reading this short articles and you’ll get a simple, easy-to-understand overview of the materials dentures are made out of and what the benefits and drawbacks of these material are.

Plastic Dentures

Like so many things we use each day, for better or worse, many dentures are made out of plastic. Or, to get more technical here, “acrylic resins”. Acrylic resins are a popular option for dentures because they are wear-resistant and have a pretty decent shelf life. Once you get your plastic dentures, they can last for 5+ years if you take good care of them.

Porcelain Dentures

The other most popular material that dentures are made out of is porcelain. Porcelain dentures tend to be stronger than plastic ones which makes them hardier and more resistant to wear. But chipping and cracking is more of an issue with porcelain dentures than plastic ones.

Another difference between them is the maintenance required to keep them clean. As just mentioned, porcelain dentures are more prone to chipping and cracking so they need to be treated more carefully when you’re cleaning them. This involves cleaning them over a soft surface like a sink full of water or a soft towel in order to reduce the chances of them breaking.

For plastic dentures, they are pretty resistant to staining. That said, the plastic has little pits in it that can turn into areas where bacteria grow and accumulate. The bacteria can lead to issues like bad breath or infections. To sanitize plastic dentures and get rid of the bacteria, it’s recommended that the dentures are soaked in a special cleaning solution overnight.